Women in construction: A look at advocacy
Image Source: Squarespace 2023
Green converts millwright experience into skilled trades advocacy role.
Don Proctor, E 2022, ‘Green converts millwright experience into skilled trades advocacy role’, Daily Commercial News, June 29, accessed September 2023
Women have made inroads on a number of fronts. The stereotype that construction is too physical for women, for example, is vanishing with the help of modern tools, equipment and machinery that have made many construction tasks less daunting for women and men.
Green and members met with more than 400 stakeholders to determine what companies are doing and what they could do better for all youth including women entering in the skilled trades. (Don Procter, 2022)
(Green) Stresses the importance of raising and educating children with an open mind to career options…“We want to get them involved, (and) get them to experience as many things as possible. I got lucky, I love the work I do and I want them to choose something they love to do too.”
Read the full article here: https://canada.constructconnect.com/dcn/news/labour/2022/06/green-converts-millwright-experience-into-skilled-trades-advocacy-role