Canola groups among Canada’s busiest lobby groups
Image Source: Squarespace 2023
The Canadian Canola Growers Association was the busiest Canadian lobby group in any sector last year.
Geralyn Wichers, E 2023, ‘Canola groups among Canada’s busiest lobby groups’, Manitoba Cooperator, 1 March, accessed March 2023
“We are very sustainable producers of agricultural products in Canada, and if we’re restricted in our ability to grow those products, then they’ll grow somewhere else where the sustainability practices are less good,” Everson added. “We need to be able to explain those things to politicians and people in the government.”
“We’re bringing a message to the government that we cannot be competitive externally, competitive in global markets, if we don’t have a regulatory system in Canada that’s positive and growth-oriented for our industry,” said Everson.
Issues that were top of mind in 2022 included Bill C-234, which if passed would see fuels for grain drying and barn heating exempted from the price on carbon. (Geralyn Wichers, 2023)
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